Our temperatures cooled from the brutal summer highs but we are still having frequent days in the upper 80°F. The AC was turned off for several days but has been turned back on when the daytime temperatures rose and the humidity returned.
Most of the pumpkins are harvested. When I cut the first pumpkin for cooking, I discovered that just because the pumpkin is orange, it isn't necessarily ripe. So, I adopted the practice of letting them cure/ripen on the counter in the kitchen for 7-10 days before cooking.
There is a steady supply of Pumpkin bread and I discovered a Pumpkin Gingerbread Cake recipe that is yummy. Also, I cooked and froze 4 cups of pumpkin pulp for Thanksgiving pies.
The peppers, both sweet and hot, are still covered with fruit.
I planted green onions in the garden and cilantro in pots. Soon, I must decide whether to plant lettuce.